Jose Luis Perez Caminero

/ VIDEO: ATLAS new Atletico Madrid coach was introduced at the Calderon. He recalled his previous passage through the rojiblanco club without considering it a failure. You are not framework specific challenges, only increase the slat and what has been done this campaign. Gregorio Manzano, who was introduced as coach of Atletico Madrid, conveyed a message of confidence in their work, the fans said that it won’t disappoint the rojiblancos followers at this new stage in front of the team and stressed that he does not think the word failure. Just tell the fans to trust me, that I will not deceive or to defraud. This athletic will be a strong, powerful team that will try to make good football. Now begins a new idea, a renovated athletic enthusiasm, youth and players who want to be protagonists in the world of football, said the technician, accompanied by Enrique Cerezo and Jose Luis Perez Caminero, President and sporting director of the club, respectively.

Atletico is and It will be large by history and is the mirror in which we have to look at us. The present is going to be pretty. I believe in me, in my work and in my working group, continued the coach, who started a new career in the club, after first passing through the rojiblanco bench in 2003-04. I see it as a work full of life and hope, along with a young staff, excited and hungry as a whole. I don’t think anything negative, but on the contrary, in building a team to succeed. Let’s make a team competitive, balanced and that we are going to give many evenings of joy to the fans. None of pessimism, negativity or disadvantages, he added. Manzano, who recalled that his previous step by Atletico, in the 2003-04 season, was not a failure (when I arrived it had been classified in the place twelve and the team with me was seventh, reviewed) felt that currently it is not a difficult time in the club, but he sees it as a nice and interesting.


According to the directives of the World-wide Organization of the Health (the WHO), the daily diet of an adolescent, who can vary according to takes a more or less active life, must be superior to the 3.500 daily calories. A diet balanced in the adolescence must contain the same proportions of nutrients that in any other stage of the life: a 60% of carbohydrates, a 25% of fats, a 14% of proteins and a 1% of vitamins and minerals. Besides balanced, the feeding of the adolescent must rich and be varied, without prohibited foods, not even those that do not have good reputation, like hamburgers, the red meats or the candies, since the key is in the moderate consumption. To educate to eat well The nutritional education also must consider the effervescence and the revolt that characterize this stage of the life. The diet does not have why to be boring and difficult to take. The most recent tendencies in nutrition flee from the tax thing and coercive. Several studies are demonstrating that the more rigid we are when the marking the dietetic norms, the less we secured the wished effects. And this is observed convincingly in the thinning regimes.

To this age they are extremely dangerous if properly they are not directed by a specialist. The nutritional imbalances not only can produce alterations in all the factors of cardiovascular risk, like elevation of the cholesterol and, very especially, appearance of obesity and diabetes, but also that can repel negatively in the mood and the appearance of nourishing upheavals. Preoccupation by the body and nourishing upheaval The adolescence is a especially vulnerable stage before all the forms of pressure and social fashions and, without a doubt, one of the predominant ones are the cult to the body and the identification of the thinness with the success in the interpersonal relations. Thus, the preoccupation by the weight and the figure are exaggerated still more in this period and in feminas. One is a worrisome combination for both more frequent nourishing upheavals: the anorexy (to refuse to eat) and bulimia (disturbed necessity to eat). The food becomes an emotional food thus.

The by ricochet total attitude or of frenetic delivery to that emotional food tries to fill or to palliate existential emptinesses, affective deficiencies, loving frustrations of all type and disappointments. These nourishing upheavals can affect the hormonal balance. In the girls it can bring about an amenorrhoea (disappearance of the menstruation) and in the boys the inhibition of sexual desire. Also complex alterations in some neuroqumicos mechanisms take place. The serotonin levels are altered, an important neurotransmitter that regulates the mood, the anxiety and the processes of compensation and satiety. Original author and source of the article.

Losing Abdominal Volume

If ever someone you have messed up the day telling you that you will not be able to get those abdominal worthy of appearing on billboards because your physical Constitution is not appropriate, now is the time to prove that he was wrong, because you’re going to achieve safe. Your self esteem should be above all the objections. Losing abdominal volume depends only on three simple variables that you have to take into account:-motivation. You know that you can do what you propose, encourage you all the time visualizing the goal you want to reach. It coordinates your diet to scratch him 500 calories a day, you plan on how to adjust your schedule to make no excuses exercise 45minutos, seeking momentum in your social circle and enthusiast I know from the start that does not decay! -Effort. Nobody said it was going to be easy. If it were easy Western society would not be so worried about the proliferation of obesity and serious health problems that it causes. But the effort is good for losing abdominal volume.

Increases our capacity for tolerance to the frustration. We must experiment the effort to be able to relax afterwards. With each flexion, with each resignation to what you liked but you know that you don’t need, you are fighting a battle for your waist. It is the price of an excellent physique. Don’t force yourself 24 hours a day, but it is enough. -Passion. Everything is made of cold and grid is boring and worthy of being abandoned.

If you’re able to passionate you with a hobby, your work, your friends or loved ones, be aware of your own person deserves to be treated equal. You have not decided to lose abdominal volume because Yes, it defends your motivation and your effort with the passion of what matter of truth. You can thus only be able to assume long-term changes needed to achieve and maintain what he always believed impossible, and also change your image will have the feeling that you have learned how to take the reins in other aspects of life. I found a program to develop an abdomen marked for anyone who wants to see results in 21 days. This program is designed so that you can start to burn fat and lose weight faster than you think it is possible. You can learn more by clicking here.

Paracoccidioidomycosis Studies and Conferences in Medellin, Colombia

In 2008 the Tenth International Congress on Paracoccidioidomycosis held a centennial celebration in Medellin, Colombia.  The conference was held in August of that year, and drew a record crowd to hear the latest research on the mycoses of Paracoccidioidomycosis and other related fungal diseases.

Paracoccidioidomycosis, or more commonly called PCM, used to be known as South American blastomycosis, and sometimes also as Lutz-Splendore-Almeida disease. This illness is endemic to the regions of South and Central America, and usually attacks men who dwell in the highly forested areas of Latin America.

PCM most often shows itself as a chronic and constantly worsening systemic fungal infection (mycosis) most often exhibiting itself as a pulmonary fungal infection. However PCM often migrates into the rest of the body and attacks the mucous membranes, mostly in the mouth, on the skin and also in the lymph nodes.