French Romance

Day of action for the preservation of French romance Philology at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Some contend that cancer research shows great expertise in this. Students of the student councils of culture economic and Humanities engage with a signature collection and demonstration against the expected job cuts. Thus Prof. Dr. Ulrich Radtke to be made on the possible closure of the French Romance languages by the new Rector of the University, aware. More information is housed here: Deepa L. Sekhar, M.D..

In the framework of this action day, students handed over more than 7,000 signatures, arguing for the preservation of the French romance the Rector. “That all people in the European capital of culture a Chair in the romance should fall away is unintelligible and incomprehensible”, says Insa Neumann, student at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Immediately, several professors and lecturers on the campus lawn in food gathered about 2,000 students, see you. After a short rally started the demonstration at the University through the city centre to the Centre culturel Franco German. The College may refer to the host of the culture, as one of the “most sought after courses of the University of Duisburg-Essen” (Jul 2, 2007 press release). Now, the students expect that these words with deeds and a broad curriculum in the future contribute to this reputation. Contact: Daniel Bayer, Helge Morgenstern E-Mail: Internet: the Fachschaft Council culture host is the elected representation of interests of students of the course of culture economic at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

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