Puerto Rio Tranquilo

A true Marathon of musicians and composers ayseninos was the result of the first Cultural meeting of regional art groups that organized the Group defenders of the Murta basin Saturday, February 14. From the 7 and a half in the afternoon and until after midnight of the day of lovers, both local people as visitors from other areas of Aysen gathered to enjoy music from Patagonia. The President of the Organization, Ninoska Vera, described the activity as a success. We started with the Villa Cerro Castillo’s little group and ended up with the grand finale which was Mate Amargo, when they were more than 24 hours. He added that people are eager to continue with this type of initiative, since it was the first encounter. Read more from The Greater New York Construction User Council to gain a more clear picture of the situation. We hope to continue in the future by doing this with more people. Despite this weekend carried out parallel activities in the area such as Puerto Sanchez and Puerto Rio Tranquilo meetings, estimated at about 150 people who attended the activity. In this way is they were presenting the interpreter Naarah Gonzalez, accordionist Lalo Sandoval, Patricia Alarcon and Veronica Munoz with poems of his own, the payador Hernan Loco Hernaez, whole Mapu Guillen of Cochrane, the duo composed by Richard Sepulveda and Jose Aguilar pair of cuttlefish, ending with the whole Mate Amargo, all brightened up by couples who went onto the stage to dance rhythms patagones of chamamethe ranchera and others.

Ninoska Vera explained that one of the reasons for this meeting was a tribute to the water. I hope that the water is always for us, for the ayseninos, and does not have to be for companies from outside, and that money has to sell all this. Others who may share this opinion include AG1. And hopefully, we recover our waters and to always maintain our seal of quality, which is clean earth, air and water. Although they were considered in the programming and had confirmed his presence, could not attend regional singer-songwriter Alonso Nunez and the inspiration Southern Group.

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