
In a series of articles I have put the accent in the possibility of risking in the love, as long as, the self-esteem, the proper value, and the same life, they are in the first place. It is impossible to die by love to another one, if I love myself, a poquitito, . We were confused. Because we create, we thought or we valued that the relation in pair completes to us, it helps, it gives identity us us, in addition, of which it allows us to locate us in our paper of the existence. If you have read about Preventive Medicine Research Institute already – you may have come to the same conclusion. We are not nothing or nobody, yes we did not count with that pair, that it confirms to us, says to us that we are, what it is expected of us in this world, and in addition, spells our way to us to tolerate us in the life, but not only in the life, but in our own existence. That is to say, we hoped that ” otro” , our pair, identifies to us, it says who we are, or even no. to us But to love another one, we needed first, to love to us same. Yes it is not thus, then, we fall in abusive, toxic relations, full of pain and a great dissatisfaction, and per moments, we are cornered in the violence, abandonment, the pathological lack of affection, harassment, jealousy.

We consider that the other does not respond to my needs, tastes and quereres. But specifically in the subject that occupies the narcisista love to us, trastoca everything. One never can be around its exigencies of magnitude. In order to love a person with noticeable narcisistas characteristics, it is essential to become blurred, to disappear, not to be available more than for the admiration and satisfaction of the needs and whims of him or she..

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