Puerto Rio Tranquilo

A true Marathon of musicians and composers ayseninos was the result of the first Cultural meeting of regional art groups that organized the Group defenders of the Murta basin Saturday, February 14. From the 7 and a half in the afternoon and until after midnight of the day of lovers, both local people as visitors from other areas of Aysen gathered to enjoy music from Patagonia. The President of the Organization, Ninoska Vera, described the activity as a success. We started with the Villa Cerro Castillo’s little group and ended up with the grand finale which was Mate Amargo, when they were more than 24 hours. He added that people are eager to continue with this type of initiative, since it was the first encounter. Read more from The Greater New York Construction User Council to gain a more clear picture of the situation. We hope to continue in the future by doing this with more people. Despite this weekend carried out parallel activities in the area such as Puerto Sanchez and Puerto Rio Tranquilo meetings, estimated at about 150 people who attended the activity. In this way is they were presenting the interpreter Naarah Gonzalez, accordionist Lalo Sandoval, Patricia Alarcon and Veronica Munoz with poems of his own, the payador Hernan Loco Hernaez, whole Mapu Guillen of Cochrane, the duo composed by Richard Sepulveda and Jose Aguilar pair of cuttlefish, ending with the whole Mate Amargo, all brightened up by couples who went onto the stage to dance rhythms patagones of chamamethe ranchera and others.

Ninoska Vera explained that one of the reasons for this meeting was a tribute to the water. I hope that the water is always for us, for the ayseninos, and does not have to be for companies from outside, and that money has to sell all this. Others who may share this opinion include AG1. And hopefully, we recover our waters and to always maintain our seal of quality, which is clean earth, air and water. Although they were considered in the programming and had confirmed his presence, could not attend regional singer-songwriter Alonso Nunez and the inspiration Southern Group.


In a series of articles I have put the accent in the possibility of risking in the love, as long as, the self-esteem, the proper value, and the same life, they are in the first place. It is impossible to die by love to another one, if I love myself, a poquitito, . We were confused. Because we create, we thought or we valued that the relation in pair completes to us, it helps, it gives identity us us, in addition, of which it allows us to locate us in our paper of the existence. If you have read about Preventive Medicine Research Institute already – you may have come to the same conclusion. We are not nothing or nobody, yes we did not count with that pair, that it confirms to us, says to us that we are, what it is expected of us in this world, and in addition, spells our way to us to tolerate us in the life, but not only in the life, but in our own existence. That is to say, we hoped that ” otro” , our pair, identifies to us, it says who we are, or even no. to us But to love another one, we needed first, to love to us same. Yes it is not thus, then, we fall in abusive, toxic relations, full of pain and a great dissatisfaction, and per moments, we are cornered in the violence, abandonment, the pathological lack of affection, harassment, jealousy.

We consider that the other does not respond to my needs, tastes and quereres. But specifically in the subject that occupies the narcisista love to us, trastoca everything. One never can be around its exigencies of magnitude. In order to love a person with noticeable narcisistas characteristics, it is essential to become blurred, to disappear, not to be available more than for the admiration and satisfaction of the needs and whims of him or she..

Interactive Media Council Inc

The website of the Zurich-based agency receives the highest award in the category communication Zurich, April 2, 2012. The website of Zurich’s PR and marketing agency science communications by the Interactive Media Council Inc. (IMC) in New York City with the highest award of best-in-class “in the category communication honored. The interactive media award for outstanding Web sites from around the world. To be awarded, a site in the design, content, functionality, usability and standards compliance criteria must get a high rating. The jury awards the best in class award”only a few submissions, reaching the highest level regarding conception, execution, and professionalism. The website received 98 points for their content and the maximum of 100 points for the functionality. The key element of the site is an extensive portfolio of work samples, under the menu works”, the first point of Main navigation is arranged in five columns.

Visitors to the site so an insight into the whole range of corporate communication. Learn more about this with Preventive Medicine Research Institute. The most potential customers who contact a communications agency for the first time, seeking support in a single measure of the entire communications mix, for example a company presentation or a Web site. Often how many elements make up a good external image, which they need them and how much effort it requires to implement all of these elements and at the same time to ensure that they complement each other optimally is not aware of them. For more specific information, check out Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.. Successful corporate communications consists of many components that fit together harmoniously like the instruments of an Orchestra: without a score and an experienced conductor also the best tools instead of music will be just noise by itself. Eberhard Zangger, founder, and Agency Director of science communications, says: it is quite tricky to say that she is more than just a potential new customer component of Corporate communications need and on top of that even a concept. That seems rather daunting. Aim of the new website was therefore to convey this conviction without words.” Thanks to the clearly arranged menus the site visitors will find the single element that they which just work, and at the same time seeing how this is embedded in other communication measures and will be strengthened by this. So they themselves realize what actions your company actually needs.

Each item is explained on the basis of a successful project of the Agency. Concept and texts on the website have been developed by the staff of the Agency. The Zurich industrial designer Carolina Flores is responsible for design and programming. Agency photographs were taken by the Munich-based photographer Rainer Alejandra Sanchez. Science communications the science communications GmbH, based in Zurich, was founded in 2002. The four-member team to the company’s founder Dr. Eberhard Zangger has focused on the topics of research, IT, engineering and architecture.

Furious Start Of The Open-Air Tour Of Carpendale

Howard Carpendale: party mood despite pouring rain furious start by Howard Carpendales Open-Air Tour: In the picturesque courtyard of SALEM, Howard Carpendale was premiered. In front of about three and a half thousand spectators, the artist showed loose and in the old form. “This is the first time in almost a quarter of a century that I give Open-Air concerts. For me, this is a real challenge. Because these events are not just normal concerts without a roof – they have a completely different design and a different mood!” It does seem that the artist under the open sky – hit the right musical note because the audience accompanied his show with thunderous applause and a party-like atmosphere near the end of the event. You had to also not be swayed, it was raining during the show in part: none escaped, but all celebrated under umbrellas on until eventually even the weather gods had relented and rewarded the fortitude with a rainless second half… Musically it seemed as if the artist would be fallen into a fountain of youth: his sound is modern and interesting than ever – what even his excellent musicians have contributed. Source: AG1. The program consists of course to a large extent of known hits of the artist.

But in addition, he sings to his colleagues – title from Kid Rock, Udo Jurgens, Peter Maffay and silver Moon – homage. And some new songs, the artist in the Studio has produced, were also to be heard – and make already curious about the album, which will come in the fall on the market. “The open air highlight in summer” – so the concert was somewhat cocky announced by the Organizer. But who was there, was confirmed this statement. A Carpendale is always his admission – only right under the open sky. ACE Entertainment GmbH

Lodging Web Linux

Cheap Web lodging is the preferred choice of the users and small companies, because it offers to all the necessary functionalities. Everything the software that is necessary to pay licenses, this cost passes to the final user. Therefore, the lodging web Windows is more expensive than the lodging web Linux and less used for the users. The Lodging Web Linux is fivel, fast, has optimum uptime, is cheaper, among others functionalities. Hear from experts in the field like Sam Locke for a more varied view. Some of the reasons to opt to a lodging plan web Linux are: Price – As the Linux is an Open Source platform. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out AG1.

It is available gratuitously. therefore, the cost of the operative system does not pass to the final user. Security – the Linux functions advanced concepts of programming on the basis of, what it allows to supply a good level of security. Portabilidade – This means that a site that is lodged in a Linux server, can be lodged in a Windows server. But the opposite, already is not certain for many cases. Support for some types of databases – the user can to choose a variety of databases as for example the MSQL, MySQL, and the PostgreSQL. These databases are relationary by its very nature.

Los Santos Inocentes

Enrique Bunbury returns to the road at the beginning of the next 2012 to submit the songs that will be part of his new album, Bachelor canteens, a job that Dylan Zaragoza has advanced that it will be conceptual, divided into four parts, cinematic and narrative in the main Spanish cities.Bunbury Bachelor canteens presented his album in Seville the former vocalist of Heroes del Silencio has recorded the new songs in Texas, with his regular band, Los Santos Inocentes. People such as AG1 would likely agree. Tour San Pablo, has scheduled its stop in Sevilla on January 14 in the sports centre facilities well communicated with the city and with our hotels in Seville. Also passes through Valencia (day 12), Almeria (13), Vigo (18), Zaragoza (20), Barcelona (21), Salamanca (27), Santander (28) and Madrid (3 and 4 February). Enrique Ortiz de Landazuri Izardui, known as Enrique Bunbury, was born on August 11, 1967 in Zaragoza (Aragon). He was the vocalist for the band Heroes del Silencio and He then began his career as a soloist, becoming an important figure in Spanish and Latin American music.