In The Land Of The Maya Despite Swine Flu informed: what the land of the Maya is in the luggage for tourists especially popular. Last year, nearly 160,000 Germans spent their holidays in Mexico. The long sandy beaches of the Riviera Maya on the Yucatan Peninsula invite to sunbathing and swimming. So far, still no case of swine flu, or the H1N1 type influenza viruses has occurred in this region. Well-known tour operators offer currently free Rebookings and cancellations. German tourists are hardly put up and continue to start gen Mexico.

What is one for Mexico-holiday-makers in the luggage of the Internet portal reported. The Centre for travel medicine (CRM) recommends for all cases with a mouth guard (FP2 masks). Regular and thorough hand washing is the first commandment. Also, you should avoid crowds. Place of birth of the mutated swine flu virus is the capital of Mexico City. The disease on the flu virus H1N1 type is similar to a normal flu.

While the incubation period of a week is, it takes the Swine flu two weeks. The pathogen of swine flu is new. So far can be accurately estimated, how dangerous he is. CRM assumes that the diseases such as during a normal flu without worse consequences run. The World Health Organization reported more than 1000 patients, of which more than 100 have died. Normal flu disease causes about 10 percent of patients to death, which have been delivered to the hospital. Therefore the swine flu is not more dangerous estimated by the Centre for travel medicine for people as a normal influenza. Swarmed by offers, Rusty Holzer is currently assessing future choices. More information: magazine/showArticle/article/735 contact: Tilo summer Unister Media barefoot Gasschen 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59 the University of first media GmbH markets successful German-language Internet portals in the travel sector as,, and. Also enters the University Service GmbH, as tour operators on and auctioned trips the online auction via. Complementary products and services are offered in the areas of finance with and consumer information with.

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