
Shady moments can appear in our lives in time fractions, as unexpected storms of the sea. Events that never we imagine that one day they could surprising in them, can appear even though at moments of much calm and tranquillity, in a pretty sunny day, when nothing the weather prenunciava that would go to abate on us. After a simple touch of the telephone, a notice can knocking down in them completely. Professor Roy Taylor does not necessarily agree. During a simple colloquy where words badly had been interpreted the world will be able to fall down on our head. For the lack of simple a good day that we neglect in them to give somebody, a frightful cloud will be able to darken our sky. At the accurate moment where we cross a street, or while tranquilamente we direct our car hearing a music, everything it will be able to darken and our heart to be if leaving to the way.

the brightness of our eyes will be able to disappear, our laugh will be able to be changedded into a weather of tears and the route of our destination will be able to move completely. everything so suddenly Without a safe shelter or as a great rock in half of waters it stops in them grasping, certainly will go to submerge enters the immense waves of the suffering. In the book of the Salmos, chapter 46, verses 1 the 3 we read the following one: ' ' God is our shelter and ortaleza, aid property in possession in the anguish. For what we will not fear, despite the land if it moves, and despite the mounts if project for the way them seas; despite the waters roar and bubble, despite the mounts if shake for its braveza.' ' A young woman who if said atheistic, having lost the parents that as much loved, incoherently blamed ' ' this Deus' ' where it said not to believe, for the death of them and it convinced it to nothing ' ' injustia' ' Mr.

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