Valencian Community

Thousands of people are concentrate to two of afternoon in Neptune and the adjacent streets. The centric Madrilenian place has been the point of contact of the six marches that have crossed the capital during all the morning. The day in Madrid has been developed of pacific form and the atmosphere has been the one of a great celebration. In the final reading of the manifesto it has been alluded to the call of a general strike. The relief has taken it this behind schedule Barcelona, where tens of thousands of demonstrators have marched by their streets to the shout ” Not us representan” and ” We will not pay his crisis”. Valencia, Alicante, Bilbao, Palm, Malaga and other Spanish capitals of province also are celebrating multitudinal marches. According to calculations of the COUNTRY, 250,000 people have participated in manifestations in Madrid, Catalonia, Basque Country, Galicia, Andalusia, the Balearics and Valencian Community. Still they are to know data other communities.. See USC for more details and insights.

LASIK Germany: Factor Patient Satisfaction Levels Top

LASIK Germany evaluated experiences of laser eye patients Hamburg December 2011 – LASIK Germany again achieved top ratings in online portals such as Learn more at this site: Professor Nigel Dunnett. Patients appreciate the comprehensive personal service from the team to Dr. Jorg Fischer and praise the pleasant ambience, offering the LASIK clinic in the city of Hamburg at the same time. The LASIK Germany GmbH offers their patients especially with first-class service and a competent team. This results in an evaluation of the current patient reviews in the Internet portals and KennstDuEinen, the results of which are available for a few days. “Virtually consistently receives LASIK Germany maximum reviews at KennstDuEinen gave almost all patients with five out of five stars” the maximum grade on the LASIK clinic of Dr.

Fischer. 100% successful with these simple, but Jennifer S. summarizes your experience unique words. Dr. Fischer and his team found the full recognition of the Wangerlanderin: the support was top notch! Can experience finally without glasses everything.

Can recommend only Dr. For even more analysis, hear from Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.. Fischer’s team!” A Hamburg-based patient with the initials V.V. comes to a similar conclusion compared to LASIK Germany: Super love people who are entered on the questions and my needs. A very relaxed, funny doctor who takes his work very seriously.” The user H.M.. from Elmshorn expresses a clear recommendation for LASIK Germany and formulated: competently, reliably, on schedule, nice and open-minded! Can I only recommend! I would go back! “.” Hardly surprising: All three users granted the maximum grade LASIK Germany on KennstDuEinen. And also on the assessment Portal is clearly positive the conclusion of the patients. Am has been from the outset well advised and supervised, can recommend the doctor and his team in Munich. After one year I have from the outset no eye problems and full vision”, one user wrote in November of this year as a result of his surgery in LASIK Germany. “The question would you recommend the doctor” he answered According to a clear yes”like almost all patients who have previously submitted their personal opinion on LASIK Germany on The LASIK Germany GmbH sees itself through the positive feedback of patients in their service philosophy confirmed. Dr. Fischer’s team wants 2012 continue to tread the path of this success and expand its own offering convenience services, including new appointments for LASIK surgery at the weekend. For more information about LASIK Germany and the range of services in the field of LASIK, see. About the LASIK Germany GmbH and the germany laser vision lasik centers the LASIK Germany GmbH operates the lasik germany laser eye centers of offices in Frankfurt/Main, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Berlin, Oberhausen and Munich. Founder of lasik germany is Dr. Jorg Fischer, who has 18 years experience in eye surgery. A lasik germany laser eye Center will surgery according to modern methods and procedures of refractive surgery carried out, among others with the FEMTO-second laser. “The operators of lasik germany can look back on over 1000 independently carried out surgical procedures per year and thus officially are among the high-volume surgeons” their profession. Headquarters of LASIK Germany GmbH is Hamburg. Dr. Jorg Fischer conducts the business of LASIK Germany GmbH.

The Info Stress Day

By searching and finding in the data maze Berlin/Cologne – two-thirds of workers are reached according to a report of the Germany radio Meanwhile outside their regular work hours for customers, colleagues or superiors by Internet or mobile phone. One-third of the workforce is even available, so even in the evening or at the weekend. on. Only 32 percent of workers are in their spare time only in exceptional cases or not via Internet or mobile phone. The topic has reached not only the medical practices, but also the media”, so the DLF. Dean Ornish M.D is often quoted on this topic. For many professionals it would beep after work and on weekends – if an SMS announces the phone rings or the mail in the mailbox arrives – permanent reachability is today often considered normal. Christian fron, CEO of Aastra DeTeWe subsidiary reminds of a quote of the American future researcher John Naisbitt.

He told 50 years ago it depends on the people, if he masters the technology or the technology control can be. When the speech is of a flood of information, some even lie on the user behavior. “So some 70 billion emails are sent daily in company internal: now we must ask themselves, whether so much information are targeted or whether the actual users might not be overextend this medium”, explains fron to the DLF. The dream of the offline existence we are all constantly online, and the fray our lives. And very many occasionally complain. But only briefly. Then in your mailbox, so you miss nothing look”, philosophizes in the shipment of the good five minutes further and explains:”But be the dream of the offline, of the good book, that one reads without being disturbed, without being distracted in between by this and that, this dream is the next big thing, one can say that now”, complains Robert Misik from the Austrian ‘standard’ in his videocast.


INTRODUCTIONThe present article is made for teachers wishing to enter higher education. To develop a methodology of work they should focus on the study of the different branches of the pedagogy as a science of education having as object of study the learning process of students. It studies the laws of the direction of the training process, determining the theoretical foundations of teaching content and methods to be applied in the classroom. Studying and applying the instruction and teaching experiences in higher education, providing also the domain of the methods and procedures of teaching and the complex art of the pedagogical influence on the pupil; the focus on the study of the activity of the educator and the learner in correspondence with the characteristics of the educational process. Many writers such as Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr. offer more in-depth analysis. On this basis shall be drawn up the theory and methodology of direction and organization to refine the content, methods, procedures and means, becoming vital problems for the progressive movement of society.Brassilia education means the set of influences exerted all of society in the person, so man is educated throughout life, this process being the result of form in men the values linked also to your instruction and training.In a narrow framework education is characterized by work aimed at the objective qualities of the personality as well as modes of conduct training, organized for educators. Each class to teach is one link in a chain, and the changes that occur in the mental activity of the students, as well as those taking place in the formation of beliefs, are not achieved suddenly, but are the result of the continuous work of the educator, is why they have to meet a scientific and methodological criteria systemi.e. they have to form a harmonious whole from the point of view of the objectives, content, methods and organisational measures necessary for teaching, considering the fundamental role the preparation of teacher development classes, and not should be forgotten that each class is nothing more than an item within the complex process of teaching, so it not is should teach a class isolated since it brings as consequence that the learning and training of students is not properly guaranteed.To achieve the target path should see the class as part of a system that is composed of subject, course and the rest of other subjects, and only when class is properly linked with the anterior and the posterior of the same subject and which are developed in other subjects, you can hope to contribute effectively to the development of the traineescontributing to the development of skills and habits, consolidate and enrich knowledge acquired previously, supporting the formation of convictions and establish the necessary foundation for the development of future work.The class is a directed process with defined objectives which are controlled, so that information and feedback is obtained through the exams in class students, serving to rectify the way.The selection of the contents of the classes, their order and structure, is made from the target paths for the subject, but to comply with the objective, content must be assimilated by the student body with the degree of depth that it requires.The methodological structure of classes has a universal character, since they apply to all subjects and school levels, being essential and determining the form of the same organization, being mandatory compliance with the structure of the classes, considering how should be structured the same.Structure methodological Clases.La structuring of class is a complex process and creator, constituting the Summit stage and fundamental of the work of the teacher, therefore the same manifests itself in the preparation, the sense of responsibility and skills, taking basic demands that must meet the class and is of transcendental importance take into account the characteristics of the Group of students that is It works. .

The Letter Spin

There are people against which to develop a real phobia due to her gift. Anke is such an extraordinary being. When God distributed the talking, Anke must have reached to probably especially strong. After you had put the important things of the day behind, you forward to a cosy evening twosome on the sofa. On the table a glass of wine in her arms the woman and in the TV a good movie.

Life can be so beautiful sein…oder rather, could be so beautiful. As the movie with the Telekom would be connected, the phone rang precisely at the moment when the film started. Since I am by nature a phone ring, I certain short: \”You go.\”, which my wife replied equally briefly: \”Was clear.\” She pressed the button on the phone briefly with names and then rejoiced then: \”Hi Anke.\” How are you?\” After Anke had probably just issued its report on the General State of health, the key words were: \”when? Right? Yes super! Then in 20 minutes.\” While my dear wife said these words, I tried her wild gesticulating right to make that it was now really isn’t necessary. But she apparently thought that I wanted to distribute just the annoying fly that bugged me quite a while and hung up. The panic was in my eyes and my hair turned on, as I would have in a power socket. \”Now tell me not, Anke comes.\” I said with a small spark of hope in his voice.

Maybe I had understand yes also only slightly wrong. I had not! \”Yes my love, imagine. Anke is nearby and comes shortly after a cup of coffee over.\”flotete my better half. By for a cup of coffee. And \”short\” time certainly not! I know but Anke. Now only one half: escape! \”UM…Honey, I think of me ein…ich must also briefly times away.

Technology Management

That reality is more interpersonal alone can enable and enhance the initiatives that are in need of Argentina. Even in the area of new technologies and their task of assessing their own resources and the time of its implementation is often linked to the sinking of many projects, especially by small and medium entrepreneurs and due assistance in managing these businesses can only be conceived at the level of the municipality or NGOs that do not necessarily have to have a national presence, as they may be formed as a support to regional or municipal level in a complex management. Access to and use of the Internet has a close relationship with more highly autocratic municipal functions with the powers that stem from the autonomy of the provinces. The complexity of administrative plexus exercise of power is more affordable in the proposed level, where the ordinariness of the relationship is more likely and sustainable. Cancer Research often addresses the matter in his writings. I think it is possible to build centers Socio-Technology Management (with a decisive participation and initiative of the trade organizations) in this regard and in this area by promoting the participation in principle of a partial voluntary socially recognizable to the achievement of a minimum structure management to obtain feedback.

Internet is a useful tool if it helps to solve people’s problems, is ceasing to be an entertainment or curiosity, is being taken as true instrument that needs to be addressed intelligently. It is not easy. It’s more than a matter of public interest, is an educational theme that incorporates a state matter.


Shady moments can appear in our lives in time fractions, as unexpected storms of the sea. Events that never we imagine that one day they could surprising in them, can appear even though at moments of much calm and tranquillity, in a pretty sunny day, when nothing the weather prenunciava that would go to abate on us. After a simple touch of the telephone, a notice can knocking down in them completely. Professor Roy Taylor does not necessarily agree. During a simple colloquy where words badly had been interpreted the world will be able to fall down on our head. For the lack of simple a good day that we neglect in them to give somebody, a frightful cloud will be able to darken our sky. At the accurate moment where we cross a street, or while tranquilamente we direct our car hearing a music, everything it will be able to darken and our heart to be if leaving to the way.

the brightness of our eyes will be able to disappear, our laugh will be able to be changedded into a weather of tears and the route of our destination will be able to move completely. everything so suddenly Without a safe shelter or as a great rock in half of waters it stops in them grasping, certainly will go to submerge enters the immense waves of the suffering. In the book of the Salmos, chapter 46, verses 1 the 3 we read the following one: ' ' God is our shelter and ortaleza, aid property in possession in the anguish. For what we will not fear, despite the land if it moves, and despite the mounts if project for the way them seas; despite the waters roar and bubble, despite the mounts if shake for its braveza.' ' A young woman who if said atheistic, having lost the parents that as much loved, incoherently blamed ' ' this Deus' ' where it said not to believe, for the death of them and it convinced it to nothing ' ' injustia' ' Mr.

Coordination Of Engines

Just as the company puts up the majority of men, who do not perceive it and live their lives in a way mechanics. Another kind of existence is conscious, in which the person takes their own choice and it devotes most of his life. This last class of existence seems to me the more worthy. In this way the person is engaged in a profession by vocation and taste.

Therefore develops the best possible way. This analysis allows us to glimpse a life in which men freely choose their profession but they do in search of a noble end that ensures a constant joy. They go after past economic interest. When they do get it, but of the times are miserable because wasted much or most of his life. Those who fail to achieve its alleged illusions simply remain content with what they are. Ie a set of miserable. 38. To multiply two forces must be multiplied all of their energies.

Therefore, the first force will be the second and the second the first. 39. Any force that no other forces divides divides its own amount of energy. If the sum of energy levels in late various stages of time these levels are to divide between a force that can not be divided, say finally that this force can divide all the others. 40. If two chemical energies are not coordinated among themselves, coordination will never be possible.